Wednesday, December 12, 2012

visualizing the wold's meat consumption

Last week I have been working on an Infographic called "Meat Consumption per Capita - Do our eating habits really have an impact on the environment?" and I would like to show you the result in this post. My goal was to compare the average meat consumption (kg per person) with the CO2 emissions of each country. To be able to bring in the country's population as a third variable I decided to use a bubble chart. In order to express the development of meat consumption and CO2 emissions I focused on the year 1961 (the earliest data I found) and the year 2002 (the latest data I found).

What do you think about this infographic? I would love to hear your opinion as a comment!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eva! This infographic is amazing! I like the idea to use a bubblechart to depict the data. This is also great for comparing the 2 years and see the progress on this topic! The detail of showing the years in a transparent way directly in the graphic is a very creative solution and very eye-catching!
